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Friday 13 February 2015

Tips To Get Through Valentine's Day If You Are Heart Broken

Even though logically we know it’s just another day
in February, Valentine’s Day can still be really hard
for anyone who’s not in a loving, stable relationship.
This is especially true when you’re heartbroken.
Valentine’s Day becomes about a million times
more difficult when you’ve recently been dumped,
dumped someone, or had your crush stomp on
your heart like a little bug.
But just because you’re feeling especially sad and
lonely doesn’t mean your Valentine’s Day has to be
the worst day ever. Here are some tips on how to get through
Valentine’s Day if you’re heartbroken.
Take A Mini Social Media Break
If you're bummed about Valentine's Day, why would you want
to sign onto Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and see a
barrage of pictures of couples bragging about the gifts they
got or professing their love for one another? You wouldn't.
Consider taking a little break from the Internet for the day so
that you can avoid
anything that may make you feel like punching somebody.
Plan To Do Things That Will Make You Happy
Plan ahead to make sure that your day is filled with things
that will make you happy. It doesn't matter what it is! It could
be watching your favorite movie or eating your favorite food,
or even just sleeping. Just do whatever will make you feel
good about yourself.
Have An Anti-Valentine's Day Celebration
Want to have a reason to feel angry and
bitter? Throw an anti-Valentine's day party for all of your
friends who also hate Valentine's Day. You guys can hit a
park to relieve stress, make fun of whatever you want, and
just have a good time being together.
Buy Yourself A Gift
Who says you can't get a box of truffles and a bouquet of
flowers just because you're single? Go out and buy yourself a
present! It's even better because you know you'll love what
you get. Buy a jewelry of your favorite,foot wears, undies etc..
Go shopping!
Avoid Things That Will Make You Sad
Don't online stalk your ex. Don't think about memories from
your last relationship. Don't focus on the fact that you're
single. Don't do anything that will make you feel totally
bummed out.
Go Out with Friends
If it make you happy to stay home, eat, and binge-watch TV,
go for it. But
if you think staying in bed will only make you more miserable,
find something else to do. Go out with a friend and do
something completely un-Valentine's Day related.
Remember It's Just Another Day
When it comes down to it, just remember that Valentine's Day
is just like any other day. It doesn't have to mean anything if
you don't want it to. Don't focus on it!

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