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Wednesday 11 February 2015



Change they say, is constant.
I assure you, I have heard the saying, " You can't change
anyone"...I used to believe that until I had a reason to doubt
it... They also say stuff like "Once a cheat always a cheat"
I do believe Love changes people.
Turning him to a Husband material is all about touching
certain spots in him so much so that IF something happens
and you're no longer together, he never forgets you- You Left
An Indelible Mark In His Heart.
NB: These points can also be followed in a PLATONIC
relationship, not only in a LOVE relationship.
How Can You Turn Him To A Husband Material?
1. Keep Your Standards Genuinely High
Most ladies think that "giving up your standards for him is
one of those things love will should cost you...No! In fact,
giving up your standards shows that all ladies are the same
and both of you (you and him) are just the same meaning-
you can't positively affect him and fix his challenge. If your
stand is no sex, don't lower it to touchings...Keep it high- WE
ONE SHINING DIAMOND in the sky . If you're doing it with
some other guy, it won't be long, he'll find out.
2. Be Real With Him At All Times- Express Emotions
Don't be too firm and resolute. Be emotional occasionally.
Trying to impress him isn't the key. I had a lady then who
shed tears just because some folks she was leading were so
recalcitrant- As she wept, I loved her more- I can't explain it
but I saw reality in her.
Being real with him means you have to always open up when
you're not comfortable with something but in a mature/ mild
3. Lead Him To Believe In The Supernatural.
Especially, if he doesn't believe in God...
The Supernatural is inexplicable using the human mind. There
is just something when a girl invites a guy to her Church. He
may be a whizz in natural life and work but he feels inept in
this area...How do you feel when you see him turning to
Genesis when the pastor told them to open to Hebrews?
He can't forget you...
4. Don't Put Money As Top Priority
Putting money as top priority makes you like the rest of
'em...If he asks you to cook for him, try as much as possible
to do so much with just little- hard right? Try to...You may
not have a second chance to make a first impression. Some
girls even give...You love him, you see his potentials, isn't it
wise to sow a seed or two? Don't say, he'll leave you when
things get better, not when put all the 7 points to practice.
5. Be Committed In Checking Up On His Goals In Life.
Find out what matters most to him- his vision, goals, purpose
etc. Ask him about it and once in a while remind him... Insist
that he go look for a job, sends his CV to so and so... Every
guy still have baby tendencies- being like a mother to them
energizes them.
6. Teach Him And Make Him Look Like The Teacher.
Mothers are life mentors. So are Real Ladies. Teaching a guy,
you need to be wise, especially when you're not trying to be
selfish. I do this a lot to girls. In teaching, ask questions,
suggest...It's not inferiority, it's courtesy, respect and regard.
7. If You Don't Agree With A Certain Behavior Of His, Create
An Avenue For Him To Correct It.
He didn't call you on your birthday. Call him and insist that he
calls you immediately. Don't take it too personal. He still loves
you nonetheless. By doing so, you're standing out as a Big
Girl and not a Spoilt Brat.
This thread does not promise you that he will change
but ...You will change...
Love changes people in amazing ways. You haven't
experienced it doesn't falsify these points... Maybe you have
to put these to practice thus enhancing your chances of even
finding the guy who won't be a tough but to crack.

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