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Monday 19 January 2015

‘Whether Jonathan or Buhari wins, there’ll be no change’

Only a few weeks away from the presidential election slated
for February 14 and barely four months before a new
government is formed in Nigeria, Prophet Melchizedek Oged of
the Messiah Christ Mission, Ajah Lagos, has said that whether
the new government is formed by the sitting president, Dr.
Goodluck Jonathan, or his rival, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari of
the All Progressives Congress (APC), it would be business as
usual as far as governance is concerned.
The man of God, who acknowledged that there was high rate
of corruption in the land, declared that President Jonathan
was a victim of the dynamics of the end times, insisting that
neither the president nor Buhari had the will to effect any
meaningful change.
He also said there would be violence after the presidential
election, but gave assurance that God would take control of
the situation, as he said: “The wonderful thing about this
nation is that God has chosen it to be the last frontier to
propagate the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. And
that is also why, in spite of all the challenges facing this
country, the grace of God has always made it sufficient.”
He speaks on the activities of the Boko Haram Islamist sect
and the United States America’s latest position that Nigeria
will no longer break in 2015, among other issues.
The presidential election is only a few weeks away, with so
many predictions that there would be crisis if President
Goodluck Jonathan wins. What is God telling you?
Of course, there will be trouble but it shall be contained.
Can you give Nigerians an idea of the magnitude of the
trouble to be expected?
The magnitude of the trouble that will follow the elections will
depend on the power to contain it but one thing is sure and
that is that Nigerians are one of the most resilient people in
the world. They have always had the grace of God to pray.
Already, prayers are going on and the wonderful thing about
this nation is that God has chosen it to be the last frontier to
propagate the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a
covenant power of the most High God that is at work in this
nation and that is why this nation has continued to remain
one. And that is also why, in spite of all the challenges facing
this country, the grace of God has always made it sufficient.
The whole world knows the strategic position that God has
mapped out for Nigerians. In the spiritual realm, Nigerians are
like the Jews during the time of their sojourn in Egypt when
God chose them; everybody was against them. If you travel
abroad, you will know that Nigerians are some of the most
exceptionally brilliant people in the whole world. Of course,
they are also the most targeted people in the whole world. If
you carry the green-white-green passport, you will have a
problem because of the falsehood, the crimes and lawlessness
perpetrated by some Nigerians. So, the end result is that
God’s purpose for Nigeria is able to contain the forces that
may want to cause the crisis.
Where do you see Nigeria after the elections, specifically
from May when the new government would be formed?
What will happen is that there will be a new crop of
technocrat, which I believe would be deployed by any
government that comes on board then. If you look back in our
history, you would remember a time when you had to wait for
months to be able to get a vehicle. You would also remember
a time when you had to get import license to import goods
and it was the norm; but suddenly a man just came up with
the idea to open up the system. So, there are challenges and
there are creative solutions that will come. The only thing we
ask is that the men that will be put there should have the
uncommon courage to be innovative and do whatever that
needs to be done. We are living in a digital age, where there
are methods of evolving economic issues. We are living in a
time when globalisation is almost driving the economies of
the world.
In the 1980s and 1990s, the economy was not pushed to be
able to maintain what is called global best practice. You find
out now that the concept of being able to have a front that
measure up to integrity on the global scale will force Nigerians
to begin to be more transparent. That does not mean that
things won’t go wrong, but there is going to be a measure of
increasing sanity and that will make it possible for a whole lot
of reforms to take shape. If you look back, during the June 12,
1993 crisis, a lot of things went wrong and those things that
were wrong began to be corrected when the civilian
administration came up. I remember those days, between
1990 and 1999, when I used to wait at the NITEL office for
hours trying to fix my phone. But today, the story has
changed. There is a technology that is changing. The Bible
says that knowledge is increasing and because knowledge is
increasing, nations that are able to manage the information
age and digital device in the system are able to get more
strategic in their governance. Hitherto, there was nothing like
data-mining; it is a new concept.
Data-mining can take your bank account, the purchases you
make every week, how you spend your money and where you
spend it and by the time they collate it; if you have criminal
intent, what items you bought can be zoned over. That is
exactly what happened in France last week. By the time those
pieces of information get collated and the data-mining editors
look into it, they can begin to form what is called an idea of
who you are. Of course, there is another side to it, which is
called the Big Brother Surveillance. Every call you make as
well as every short message you send has a record. So,
technology will come to a point where everybody can be seen
So, if the nation is able to contain the violence; that will be
the basis at which they move. The only problem is that
according to the Bible, the heart of man is desperate and
wicked above all things. Lawlessness will not stop. The
falsehood in all realms will not stop; it will increase.
Cybercrimes will continue and at the end of the day, you find
out that it is only the few, who control the technology that
will control the wealth, the bank and the politics. They are the
power brokers. In the book of Revelations chapter 17 to 19,
the Bible calls it ‘Corporate Babylon.’ We are going to a point
where the end result is to enthrone the anti- Christ. As an
end-time prophet, I can tell you that God has planned all
these, for the Bible says that at the end of time, lawlessness
shall increase leading to total tyranny.
When you look at global breaking news, you see that every
day, more terrible things are happening. What we have is that
the whole world is geared towards ‘Mutually Assured
Destruction’ (MAD). Bring that back to the political system we
are running and you find that those who determine that they
will do whatever it takes; bribe whosoever and kill whosoever
to get to the position will win.
Are you saying that the most violent will win the election?
The most strategic and the most violent; the one who is able
to pay the most money will win. It is like what I call, ‘kill
them all and stand up alone,’ in this election. Some people
have armed all their thugs and got hired assassins all over
the place and very soon, you will see them working out.
What prophetic message do you have for Nigerians in this
The prophetic message is that God has a remnant. God’s
remnants are those who are determined to stay within His due
divine order. His remnants are those who know that He is
determined to raise a people for Himself; the church of Jesus
Christ; they are those who are blood-washed; those who have
taken seriously the fact that a man cannot by himself attain
anything; those who will study to have the right choices of
God and live a holy lifestyles; those who will study to enter
into the covenant of God’s presence, peace, protection and
prosperity. The Bible says that the spirit of God will equip
them and fight their battles for them. There are those who are
God’s friends; those who have the mark of Jesus.
In 2003 elections, we cried out to God and He gave us a word
in Psalm 92 verse seven, which says: ‘if the wicked seem to
succeed and flourish, they will be destroyed forever.’ Now,
some of the key players that the judgment was targeted
against are still functioning because, according to God, the
anointing given to prophetic men is like a bazooka but the
people you shoot it against are like the butterflies and
mosquitoes. For instance, if you go to God’s court and secure
a judgment; the judgment is like a bazooka and the mosquito
or the butterfly you are aiming it against goes to God to say,
‘I am sorry.’ The story of Ahab in the Bible explains this point.
There was a judgment against Ahab but he repented. So, the
key factor is for people to repent and cry on to the Blood of
Jesus to forgive them. God is long suffering and because He
is long suffering, the Bible says in Ecclesiastes chapter eight
verses five to 13 that because the wickedness of the wicked is
not instantly judged, men will continue to be wicked. But then,
the Bible also says that if the wicked man lives up to 100
years, it will never be well with him.
What do you have to say about the activities of Boko Haram
Islamist sect?
Book Haram is like a war declared onto people. The military,
for so many years, were trained for such insurgence. The
intelligent network; most of the men who are strategists in the
military are not versed in what is going on. The spirit of Boko
Haram is part of the end time destructive spirit set loose over
the world.
Is it then right to say that Boko Haram is politically
Of course it is political as well as religious and economic. It is
a grievance of a sect against what they believe, which is that
western education has not helped. The Lord says that the
heart of man is desperate and wicked above all things. When
you mix that desperation with racial conflict and the spirit of
economic determinism, you will see a sect that believes that
they have lost out of the national cake and so, you have a
bonfire coming up. But, on the spiritual realm, because of
what is called radicalised Islamist, they are the same group
that is forming ISIS; they are in Kenya; they are the AL
SHABAB and like you have over the years, the forces of
nationalism believing that it is by being able to take by force
that you can impose your own government or your religion. Of
course, people believe in divide and conquer to rule. So, it is a
multi-faceted input that is going on in Boko Haram. There is a
local side; there is the religious side and there is the external
force because some of these people are not just Nigerians.
Do you see an end to the Boko Haram activities soon?
Soon depends on the level of firepower for firepower. Soon
depends on if the whole northerners are determined to really
put an end to it. Soon depends on the whole lot of factors,
which like they say, are multifaceted. So, if you can bring
those factors under control, it shall be sorted out. The cause
of all these is lack of love and mistrust. People have the spirit
of dog-eat-dog in corporate politics, just as you see them in
the market place and until human beings get to submit to the
spirit of Christ; the spirit of laying down your life for your
brethren, the problem will persist.
Corruption is believed to be on the rise in Nigeria. So many
people believe that the present government is not serious in
fighting corruption. Do you agree and what message do you
have for President Jonathan in all of these?
President Jonathan is a victim of the dynamics of the end
times. Between June 12, 1993 and when the late Gen Sani
Abacha began to clamp down on micro-finance houses; the
statistics of capital flight from this country was at its peak.
That was the situation, which Jonathan inherited. Before the
June 12 crisis, people were satisfied stealing N1 million. At
that point before Abacha came, one dollar exchanged for N50;
Abacha pegged it at N85 per dollar. But because of the
confusion in the nation, even good Christians had to take their
money and flew to London because they were not sure if the
nation was going to survive. So, when you have turbulence in
the system, that is what you get.
I wonder if America would have developed the way it is today
if they all had to flock to London or Paris every summer. That
is the problem here; everybody wants the naira to be
translated into Dollar and Pounds and the pressure continues
to make people to be so greedy. One of the most difficult
things that the Bible addresses is a greedy man. Unfortu­
nately, we are living in the end of time where there is a group
of very sharp minded financial trade brokers also known as
‘the greed is good generation.’ They use all kinds of
economics to buy back debts and increase debts making
people to borrow money and all kinds of things. When greed is
not able to be contained, you can jail all the people in Nigeria
and nothing is going to happen. So, Jonathan is a victim and
the victim is such that in the end time, ruthlessness since
1950s is increasing to the point where until the saviour
comes, it is going to get from bad to worse.

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