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Saturday 24 January 2015

Networking is the livewire of business –Clara Okoro, CEO,Brandworld Media

Clara Chinwe Okoro believes entrepreneurship must have been
wired in her DNA. One of her strongest beliefs is in the power
of ideas to change the world. Little wonder that during her
youthful years, Clara’s exuberance was always on seeking for
ways to make money from her the ideas that pop in and out
of her brains. So, after bagging a degree in Guidance and
Counselling at the University of Lagos, she chose to pursue a
career in the creative field of media, branding and advertising.
Honing her skills via different platforms, the entrepreneurial
spirit in her spurred her to take a plunge and birth her own
company-BrandWorld Media, a thriving 15-year venture that
boosts an impressive clientele list of blue-chip brands.
In an interview with Henry Okonkwo, this entrepreneur
discloses the business lesson she has learnt over the years of
running her company in Nigeria. She also called out on women
and youths, to brave the odds by getting skilled and aspire to
make impact in the society they find themselves.
Are you satisfied with the level of women’s participation in
running businesses?
No I’m not satisfied. But I must still commend government
agencies and NGOs that train and encourage women to go
into entrepreneurship. Women need to be trained and
equipped on how to run and to take their businesses to the
next level. I strongly believe that there is a lot more women
can do, but we keep limiting ourselves because of gender
What are those factors that tend to stifle the growth of many
women in business?
A lot of it is psychological because of the age-long tradition
that mandates that women should only be seen and not
heard. This belief places women as second-class when
compared to their male counterparts.All these have been
ingrained in the womenfolk from time immemorial. So, they
prefer to take backstage position in lots of issues that even
concern them. But once one conquers the mind, the sky
becomes the limit, that’s why we still have many women who
have stepped out of the line, did what they wanted to do and
excel it.
How long have you been in business and exactly do you do?
I call myself a media innovator because I use various media to
engage, educate and share ideas in the public sphere. I use
the media as an entrepreneurial platform also, because I make
money out of my ideas and enhance my society. And I’ve
been in business for over 15 years.
What steps should aspiring entrepreneurs take when thinking
of how to start up there ventures?
The first thing is personal introspection, if this line of venture
is what they would want to do on the long run. And in asking
themselves that question, they begin to see a picture emerge
in your mind. If it is something you are convinced, you can do
in a long haul, and grow. You should prepare your mind that
there would be difficult and challenging times ahead. And are
you willing to stand by your idea through thick and thin? If
you nurse doubts answering these, then you might think twice
about going into starting up a business. But if your idea drives
you, and you have passion, then you’ll surge forward towards
floating your business. And your idea would guide you through
those challenges. When I started up my business, I was totally
convinced on the superiority of my idea because there was a
niche I could carve for myself.
Looking back now, what are some of the business mistakes
you committed when you started up?
I didn’t draw up a business plan. So, I had to go back to do
that three years after I started up my business. I didn’t have a
board of directors, and I found out the need for that many
years after I started up. I would say I learnt on the job, which
I would say was a blessing in disguise because I dived in first
and then later adapted myself to the situation as I went along.
And in doing so, I have garnered more experience being in the
industry rather than studying about it; nothing teaches you
better than real life experiences. When I want to launch out, I
didn’t go to seek loans for my start up capital, and all I had
was my little savings, drive and passion. But all has worked
out for good and has made me a much better business
What is that biggest business lesson you’ve learnt over the
years you have been in business?
Networking is the livewire of business. In business, it all boils
down to ‘Who do you know’? One might have all the ideas,
equipment, and the wherewithal, but if there are people that
you are not connected with to activate that business idea,
then you can’t move faster from the position that you are in.
So, I’ve realised over the years that at the top of the pyramid
is-Networking is essential to help you get your business to
the greatest height.
What other thing would you love to do outside running a
I would go on to be a lecturer. I like to exchange ideas. I
believe that in everyone is embedded the solution to the
problems of the world. And until we activate it the solution
won’t be found. Mark Zukerberg activated his and found
Facebook, Bill Gates has Microsoft embedded in him, he
activated it and gave us the first PC. You don’t have to be an
entrepreneur for you to get your ideas to change the
What would be your word of encourage to the average
Nigerian youth?
All I would tell them is to query themselves, what truly gives
them joy. It is not all about venturing into something because
you feel Mr. A is doing it.
One of the biggest challenges in these times is the issue of
manpower development that is human capital. I have come in
contact with a lot of youths, and realised that they are not
even keen to explore knowledge and get skilled. If you in the
long run want to be a success to yourself, you must learn to
be humble where knowledge is concerned, because once you
learn, nobody can take it away from you. What most of these
young ones don’t want to do is to discipline themselves to
Youths need to equip themselves with skill so they can add
value to their lives or to an organisation they wish to work for.
If you take up a white collar job, your skill would impact on
the remuneration any firm would offer you.
Apart from that, our youths must have focus, determination
and commitment to goals that matter. And they shouldn’t
forget about the ‘God factor’. Always seek the face of God in
whatever you want to do.

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