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Sunday 25 January 2015

My pricing is just right –Ifeoluwapo Ajibike, CEO, BeadsSpeak

Ifeoluwapo Ajibike holds a master’s degree in English but has
settled for beads making and appears so passionate about the
art as she calls it. In this interview with AYO ALONGE, this
CEO of Beads Speak spoke about her life, the art of beads
making, her business strategy, driving force among other
issues. Excerpts:
Tell us about yourself
I am Miss Ifeoluwapo Ajibike, the third child in a family of
seven; father and mother inclusive. Being the first daughter, I
have learnt to be independent and this has helped me to
understand the essence of hard work, commitment and love. I
am a lover of the arts and creative writing.
I hold a master’s degree in English Language from the
University of Lagos and a first degree from Adekunle Ajasin
University, Akungba.
You mean you have a masters’ degree and all you thought of
doing is beads making?
(Laughs) Having a masters’ degree does not stop me from
attempting other areas of life. Personally, I consider bead
making as an art and through it, I task my creativity. The
master’s degree is just a manifestation of my love for
education. I still intend to pursue a doctorate degree in the
field. As for bead making, it pays my bills!
So, how much do you make on a good business day?
Hmm! That’s a very tough question. No business is bad
(laughs). What matters is consistent patronage. That a client
can only afford beads at lower rate doesn’t make a bad
business compared to the client that pays well. To be sincere,
everybody wants to succeed in business and I always pray to
God that I meet good clients. As for the amount I make on a
good business day, I would say that it varies according to the
style, the quality of beads and accessory and the amount a
client is willing to pay . However, the bigger the style, the
more expensive it costs. Similarly, the quality of the materials
is another thing to consider. Most times, you may have to
drag it hard with a customer to get a reasonable price. Some
may never get to understand that their bargaining price is
even less than the cost of production. You can now see what I
am talking about here. So, it’s left for me to see how I can
convince them about my quality and quan tity. Most people
are willing to get the best regardless of the price while some
others want to get just anything at any price. Funny still,
some want to get the best at a ridiculous price, and if you are
in business yourself, you should understand what I am talking
about here. My pricing is fair.
What is bead making in your own words?
As I have said earlier, bead making, to me, simply means
having total control of creativity, and in this way, I see it as
an art. Every time I am doing my thing, I see myself as a
creator in this art. When I design, I’m in charge of my
environment. The overall impact of this is the happiness of my
clients at the end of the creative process. With every sense of
sincerity, I cannot work for you and you don’t like it. I feel
that’s because I have been able to see the art in my own
terms such that I just feel I am merely having fun when I am
working. Bead making is actually an art and an aspect of
What was the reaction of your parents when you ventured into
the business?
Interestingly, they were supportive in every regard. When we
were growing up as kids, they always taught us how to be
independent through hard work. They consistently sang this
chorus to us that whatever our hands find to do, so far as it’s
legal, they are always around to support us . So, I never had
any problems with them in this regard, instead, I had their
support. Most times, my dad would even give me some money
when I am broke. He is this type that believes that I am even
assisting him, in a way, venturing into my own business. As
for my mum, she often helps with the logistics of my business,
and you also need to know that I have some of her friends as
What’s your unique selling point?
Superb customer service skills, creative thinking and time
management. Compared to other businesses , it’s an
embodiment of all in one.
What are your core values in business?
My core values in business are customer focus, success,
integrity, responsiveness, innovation and excellence.
What are your challenges in the business?
Some people are yet to realise that the old traditional beads
that were used by our fore-fathers are back in vogue this
modern age, and they are put together to make modern
fashion statements. Some still underrate beads. Secondly,
some people do not know that there are differences in the
qualities of beads hence, they want a bead maker to make
expensive beads for them at ridiculous prices. All these
depend on awareness and ignorance.
What’s your strategy to achieve greater success in your busi­
Already, I have a brand name which is Beads’ Speak. I believe
that through continuous advertisement and hard work, my
brand name would sail positively into the global market.
It’s a process which I believe, in due time, I would achieve. I
believe that when one is good at what he/she does, then
success is always at the door.
Do you consider your business profitable enough?
Yes, I consider it to be a profitable business, besides no one
ventures into business to lose.
What do beads mean in the world of fashion?
Bead making has already taken its place in today’s fashion
scene. Fashionable beads are among the most important
things women use to adorn themselves. Usually, beads make
fashion statements and give every woman confidence. Fashion­
able beads are in vogue and they are appreciated at local and
internationally levels. In fact, most modeling companies adorn
their run-way models with fashionable beads in order to make
them look classy. Several magazines like Ovation, City People
etc., promote the value of beads. For you to have a perfect
look that will distinguish you from the crowd at any event, it is
advisable that your wear beads, I mean good quality beads.
What does bead making entail?
There are a lot of things that can be made with beads and
they include necklaces, belts, hand bags, earrings, rings
interior décor, slippers etc. Largely, beads vary . We have
coral, pearls, crystals, glass and seed beads for examples.
They also vary in shapes, sizes, colours, and prices . Most
importantly, there are fake and original beads. A good bead
maker works with original beads and accessories. This is why
I try to provide my clients with the necessary information
when they need my services.
If you are offered a high-paying job somewhere would you
quit making beads?
Working somewhere else doesn’t stop me from being a bead
maker, because I do it at my leisure.
What’s your niche in life?
It’s my love for creativity. I find solace and expression, so to
speak, through creativity. It could be in the form of writing or
any other work of art.
How about the man in your life?
He is doing fine. No more, no less! (Laughs)
So,when do you hope to get married?
At the appropriate time.
What vision and goals have you set for yourself?
Until I achieve them, I will continue to be focused on them.
Nevertheless, I believe that resilience, drive, hard work and
staying positive will help me achieve my vision and goals.
Until I achieve them, they remain personal. That’s it o!
What is your advice for all?
Acquire more knowledge. Appreciate entrepreneurial knowledge
by acquiring at least a skill. Everyday should lead you closer
to your goals in life and do not forget that the moment you
think less about yourself, you become insignificant in life.

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