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Thursday 1 January 2015

Kumuyi predicts glorious 2015

The country is being buffeted by a myriad
of challenges. For instance, there are the
prevailing security challenges in the
country, economic/financial issues,
family, social challenges and other life-
threatening situations. All these appear to
have defied human solutions. As if these
are not enough, there is growing
apprehension, all over the place, as the
country approaches the 2015 general
In fact, there had been predictions, in
certain quarters, that the unity of the
country could be threatened in the New
Year. It was against this backdrop that
the leadership of the Deeper Life Bible
Church organised a twin religious event/
gathering “2014 December National
Retreat and Miracle/Revival,” programme
last weekend. The retreat which has its
theme as: “Lifted up to Higher Ground
and Enrichment Through God’s Visitation”
was aimed, according to a press state­
ment, issued by the church management
later, at “getting the faithful to know their
position in Christ and their inheritance in
God.” Preacher after preacher drove home
the point that to survive in a sin-scarred
world, believers must constantly look up
to Jesus the Author and Finisher of their
Addressing the mammoth crowd, Pastor
William Folorunsho Kumuyi, declared that
2015 was the year of God’s visitation. He
said God would give His people a cause to
celebrate in the New Year. “God will visit
you in the New Year. Everything holding
you down, the Lord will break it. You will
step into your Promised Land,” he said.
“Things will turn around in your life.
Metaphorically speaking, it is not as it
was, so it is and so will it be world
without end. It is not what you saw
yesterday and what you are seeing today
that will determine what you will see in
the New Year. A brighter day is coming;
the coming days for you will be better
than the good old days. The things of the
past may have been wonderful, things
will be more wonderful in the New Year.”
The cleric urged Nigerians not to behave
like the murmuring, complaining, critical
Israelites of the Bible days who magnified
their past problems and fears to the point
of disbelieving the report about the
Promised Land brought by Caleb and
Joshua and attempted selecting another
captain/ leader to lead them back into
Egypt, into bondage. “For you to know
that God has come to visit His people…
nothing will stop your onward journey,”
he charged. The congregation chorused a
loud Amen. “God has not written you off.
God has not forgotten you. There is a
glorious day awaiting you; things will turn
around… the bright future is starting
He strongly advised the audience to take
a sober reflective look at their lives as
they prepared for the second coming of
the Lord which he said might be
imminent. Subsequently, he admonished
them not to seek powers outside the
confines of the word of God, saying that
we do not need to kill nor oppress others
in order to make progress and to prosper
in life. He warned that worldly attainments
would fade away, but he who lives by the
dictates of God’s word has eternal life
awaiting him at the end of this life. This
fact should necessitate constant feeding
on that Word, he added, in order to
prepare our souls for the heavenly
journey ahead.
He condemned the inordinate crave for
material wealth, at the expense of living
an unblemished life before God and men,
which will, in turn, attract both material
and spiritual blessings, while noting that
the things of this life are temporal. While
blessing the people, he urged them to be
satisfied with the goodness and kindness
of God which are more than sufficient to
take care of them here and hereafter,
stressing that God must be seen as their
pillar of strength and abiding refuge in
every situation.
The programme also featured seminars
made up of the following topics: “Giving
thanks, preceding request for great
things”; “Miracles following a session of
praise in the enemy’s camp”; “Gratitude
and praise that are pleasing to God”;
“Praising God after a great victory” and
“The place of thanksgiving in receiving
answers to prayers.” Others were: “God’s
provisions from an unusual source”; “All
round success for the righteous”;
“Irrevocable promises for steadfast and
faithful believers”; “Succeeding through
trusting God’s promises” and “Bringing
hope and help in unlikely ways.”
While the retreat messages were tailored
towards challenging believers to live a
holy life and becoming agents of change
in their society through the propagation of
the gospel, the miracle/ revival segment
featured powerful ministrations by Pastor
In this session, many people who had
been under the bondage of Satan by
suffering mysterious sicknesses in their
minds, bodies and souls were ministered
to through powerful prayers said by the
man of God. And there were many testimo­
nies that proved that God is at work in the
lives of His people both in the last retreat
and in previous ones. For instance, a
woman, going by the name, Mrs. Toyin
Adeyemi, from Orile-Iganmu, set the
congregation agog when she told a story
of how her reproach of 19-years-old
infertility was taken away, and a healthy-
looking boy given to her instead, after the
man of God prayed and broke the yoke in
the 2013 December retreat.
Samuel Olubiyi from Isolo, Lagos, testified
that he and his wife were blessed with a
baby girl after four consecutive years of
miscarriages suffered by his wife. He also
testified to his divine promotion after
seven years of working without
recognition. Mr. and Mrs. Chijioke Okoro
from Agege also shared their testimony.
According to them, after years of
miscarriages, the woman conceived, and
they were happy to look forward to
welcoming the cry of a baby in their
home. But panic rather set in when it was
time to be delivered of the baby and the
woman laboured for more than 13 hours
after being wheeled into the labour room.
At long last, she was taken to the theatre
and delivered of the baby through a
caesarian section. But few days after the
operation, her tummy began to swell up
necessitating a second visit to the
hospital. It was there that it was revealed
that an object was forgotten inside her
tummy during the CS carried out on her.
The woman who took over the narration
at some point said that her husband was
asked to sign an undertaking to have her
operated upon the second time after
doctors had said her chance of survival
was 50-50. But to the glory of God, she
survived and lives to tell the tale.
Others who testified to being touched by
the blowing wind of the miraculous
included Samson Anene, from Festac who
said he had been down with a strange
and excruciating pain in his left leg which
he feared might eventually lead to
paralysis. But according to his testimony,
while he was at the retreat, he fell into
something like a trance and saw a hand
digging into his knee and pulling out an
object that looked like a calabash, and
instantly the pain ceased and since then
he’s been walking very well without
further trace of the pain. Beside the
messages and testimonies, there were
song ministrations by the choristers.
These helped to prepare the hearts of
participants to receive from the Lord
before each message. There were also
orchestra performances particularly
during congregational songs.

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