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Wednesday 24 December 2014

I’m really proud of my parents– JenifferOlize

Jeniffer Olize is not your average girl. She
is a dream chaser. Music meets Runway
which she incorporated four years ago
has snowballed into a big brand with cult
following in Nigeria’s music and fashion
industries. Every December, Nigerians at
home and in the Diaspora converge on
Eko Hotel to experience a blend of breath-
taking fashion and music that has
become a cocktail of sort. In this interview
with SAMUEL OLATUNJI, she gave a hint
of what to expect on December 23 and the
blessings of being Frank Olize’s daughter.
What has kept MMR alive despite lack of
major headline sponsors for three years?
We have been able to stay in business ,
because we have had a lot of support
from smaller sponsors, which has been
adequate to put the show on. We are
grateful to everyone who has sponsored
since Music Meets Runway debuted in
What are your expectations this year?
This year is special as we are broadening
the borders of Music Meets Runway to the
rest of Africa. Since 2011, the show has
focused mainly on Nigerian designers and
performers. However, we want to make
this year about Africa as a whole because
there is so much talent in the continent.
Can you tell us how far the foundation
has come and how well it has done?
Music Meets Runway Foundation was
established in 2011 to support and
empower emerging talents across the arts
at critical stages in their creative lives.
Our mission is to provide assistance to
public schools, by bringing arts and
crafts into the education system, thereby
creating jobs.
MMR Foundation, through the help of our
sponsors Sovereign Trust Insurance, was
able to reaffirm its commitment to
empowering emerging talents through the
launch of the MMR Rising Icon
Competition 2013. A N3million grant was
awarded to the winner of the competition,
Olakunbi Oyelese, Creative Director of
Nigerian fashion label April by Kunbi. This
year’s Rising Icon is back and the winner
will be named at MMR 2014.
How do you feel when you see Davido
now, considering the fact that it was on
the MMR stage he first performed
Seeing how far Davido has come since
the first MMR is a really great feeling.
Music Me e t s Runway is a platform and
we love to see people who started with us
grow the way Davido has.
You blend fashion and music with MMR.
How well do you think we have performed
in these sectors as a country?
The Nigerian entertainment sector has
grown so much in the past couple of
years, with a lot of international rec­
There is a long way to go,but we are
getting there slowly but surely.
How will you describe yourself?
What was your childhood like?
It was lovely. I come from a very small
family and we’re all very close. I thank
my parents because they ensured we had
the basic requirements of life , so I really
enjoyed my childhood.
Who are the artists and designers
participating this year?
The designers this year are Sunny Rose
From Abuja, Osei Duro, from Ghana,
Neville Masondo, from South Africa,
Mademoiselle Aglaia from Lagos,
KolaKuddus Couture from Lagos and
KikoRomeo from Kenya.
December 23 is a few days to Christmas,
are you not scared people might not
Music Meets Runway is always around
the same time every year.
Even people from abroad plan their holi­
days around it. We are very excited people
are coming to spend their Christmas with
H o w h a v e y o u b e e n able to fill the
hall every year?
We have been able to put on a good show
every single year since we started , so
people keep coming back for more and
are never disappointed.
W h a t is your d r e a d e d fear?
My greatest fear is not achieving my God-
given purpose.
What’s the trait you most deplore in
I like to do everything myself. I’m a bit of
a perfectionist which results in having too
much to do! I do need to delegate more to
others but sometimes like the saying
goes, “if you want the job done, do it
yourself”, especially here in Nigeria.
What’s your favorite place to be in?
New York. I love that city!
What do you consider the most overrated
What do you most despise?
Lazy people.
What is your worst regret?
I do not have any regrets. Everything that
we go through in life is a lesson and I’m
learning everyday.
When and where were you happiest?
I feel like I am the happiest I’ve ever been
right now. God willing, my happiness will
increase as time passes.
What’s your current state of mind?
Work hard, play later.
If you could change one thing about your
family, what would it be?
Absolutely nothing.
What’s your most treasured possession?
Nothing so far.
Where would you like to live?
I love living in Nigeria.
What’s the quality you most like in a
What do you most value in your friends?
Honesty and loyalty.
Who are your heroes?
My parents.
As Frank Olize’s daughter, has his name
opened doors for you?
I’m grateful to my parents for a wonderful
upbringing but I do not rely on who my
father is to open doors for me. I believe
hard work and persistence can get me to
where I want to be, regardless of my
family .
What are your views about marriage and
any plans of walking the aisle soon?
I believe the institution of marriage is
quite tricky, so I am still taking my time,
to avoid any mistakes! I am very happy
when I see loved ones making this
commitment, but as of now, I strongly
believe God has a plan for me and when
the right time comes, I’ll be gracefully
ready for whoever God has chosen for
What is your greatest motivation when
you are working or about to start work?
My greatest motivation is seeing a change
in Nigeria and through the MMR
Foundation, we hope to encourage more
growth in the Arts sector which we believe
will impact the youth and brighten their
future. I would say my greatest motivation
is actually making a difference in the

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