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Tuesday 9 December 2014

10 Things Men Say When They Are Cheating!!!

#1 She's Just a Friend. ..

You discover he's been talking to someone

new, who is a female. He hasn't said anything

to you about her before you finding out about

her and when you ask him if you can meet her,

he objects. It's because she's really not a

friend, she's a #girlfriend.

#2 Respect My Privacy. Don't Touch My


He doesn't want you to touch his phone for

fear that you will either see text messages

from her or that she will send one just as you

pick it up. He may even have pictures of her

on his phone.

#3 You Are Cheating on Me, Aren't You?

Yes, men who cheat will accuse their partner

of cheating. Why? It's because they start to

think, "Well, if I can do it, she could do it too."

#4 You Aren't Good Enough...

All of a sudden he pokes at all of the things

you do wrong and you have no idea what his

problem is. He can't cheat if he loves you or

he thinks that you are good to him. So he

makes himself believe that you aren't good

enough for him and that's why he had to turn

to someone else. In reality, you are more than

good enough.

#5 I Can do My Own Laundry ...

At first, you might think he's being sweet for

helping you out. Unfortunately, he's doing it

so he can hide his soiled pants, perfume smell

or some other evidence of his liaison with his

lady friend.

#6 I Have to Stay after to Catch up on Work ...

All of a sudden he has more work than he

knows what to do with and he can't come

home when he normally does. It's because

he's not really at work, instead he's meeting

with his girlfriend without worry that you'll

catch him.

#7 After he is Caught...I Still Love You and

Want to Be with You ...

He says he loves you and wants to be with

you; yet, he strayed and told someone else the

same thing. It's because he wasn't having the

affair because he didn't love you anymore, he

had it because he was disillusioned from


#8 I Didn't Want to Hurt You ...

He's right, when he went out to have the

affair, he wasn't thinking, "I am going to sleep

with this other woman because I want to hurt

her so incredibly bad." Instead, he did it for

his own selfish reasons without giving any

thought to how it would hurt you.

#9 I Don't Want to Lose You ...

In his last attempt to salvage any type of

relationship with you, he may blurt out that he

doesn't want to lose you. You might think,

"What did you think would happen when you

chose to cheat on me?" Again, he never tied

sleeping with someone else and losing you

together. This may be a complete shock to

him that you are actually leaving.

#10 She Means Nothing to Me ...

She might not mean anything to him or he's

lying. Usually, men who have affairs may not

have wanted to get involved emotionally, but

after sleeping with them multiple times,

feelings start to develop. So, in most cases,

he's lying that she means nothing to him,

what he really means to say is that he doesn't

want her over you.

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