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Thursday 6 November 2014

Ogun proposes N190bn budget for 2015

amosun-newThe Ogun State Gov­ernment yesterday said it would propose a N190 billion appro­priation bill for the 2015 fis­cal year.

The government said the amount proposed in the appro­priation bill for next year was a bit lesser than the N210 bil­lion budgeted for the current (2014) year due to a decline in federal allocation to the state.
The state Commissioner for Budget and Planning, Mrs. Oluwande Muoyo disclosed this in Abeokuta during the state’s Treasury Board meet­ing on the 2015 Budget.
Giving a breakdown of the proposed N190billion ap­propriation bill, Muoyo said N82.6 billion would be ex­pected to come from Internal­ly Generated Revenue(IGR) while N40 billion would come from federal allocation.
The commissioner further explained that while educa­tion would gulp 22 per cent of the budget, the health and agriculture sectors would be allocated 10 and five per cent, respectively.
Governor Ibikunle Amo­sun, in his speech on the oc­casion said his administration regarded education and health as social services, warning that these two key sectors should not be pressurised by anyone to generate income or make profit.
The governor however, noted that due to the hardship most states in the federation had been experiencing, espe­cially regarding how to meet their respective financial ob­ligations, the various minis­tries should be creative and work hard in their IGR drive so that workers’ salaries could be paid regularly.
He stated that the state was almost being run with income generated internally, adding that this situation had neces­sitated an improvement in its IGR-base so that it would not always have to wait for federal allocation before paying sala­ries or meeting other financial obligations.

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