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Saturday 29 November 2014

Killer Social Media Marketing Strategy – That Really works

Social Media Strategy ?

whats this? a new way to get me pay money

for ads on top social media so I they get to

promote my articles, gosh it sucks – count

me out.

These and many more expression so many

affiliate marketers use when they here the

word "social media Marketing "

Save your critics, and lets just act like you

havent heard of the acronym social media

strategy , while i take you through a short trip

on using the social media as a marketer.

firstly, i would like to correct any impression

that social media such as facebook and

twitter are rather worthless ways and places

to place your money on investment.

Well The social media marketing as

expressed by the title is a "strategy" and a

"strategy" isnt just a day job, So many fall

preys of losing there money to the so called

"social media money suckers" just become

they don't really know what social Media

Marketing is all about, but here is a quick trip

on how i maximally use social media as an

helpful tool to get maximum profit and

benefit as an affiliate marketer.

Killer Social Media Marketing Strategy – That

Really works

Just before i start i would like to lay

emphasis that the type of social media

marketing strategy that works out for you,

depends on the kind of social media you use,

for instance, your blog is a fashion and

design Blog , i expect you to use pinterest in

marketing your content, if you are on a E-

shop operation or tech Blog, i employ you to

use Facebook as a means of content

marketing strategy, if you are on

entertainment Blog , i employ you to use

twitter as a means of Social media


but today we are focusing on facebook as a

means of social media marketing strategy.

Facebook Social Media Marketing Strategy.

Usually lots of complains come, from

Bloggers who try to squeeze there pocket just

to increase there page likes, and it turns up

not working as planned, some times you see

issues with 44 new likes for $4 but today i

shall share a quick aid overview to help you

achieve maximum profit at minimum cots.

Just before I proceed let me ad this, the

number of likes you gain on an ad promotion

depends on the kind of post you boost, and it

depends greatly on your locality, for

instance , Nigeria hardly goto the movies, or

cinema, and here you are boosting a page

talking about cinema movies – you are

certainly way of it.

Back to business »

facebook ads system displays post based on

promotion and based on group shares/page

share, post based on promotion are based on

interest frequently used sites and apps, while

based on groups and shares are displayed to

people around you.

post based on shares reaches only but 1% of

total users on that page according to

facebook algorithm depending on interest of

the person. according to interest written on

the user profile, thus if i have a page having

10,000 people, i would have an assured page

reach of 1 thousand, which could exceed if

users like increase, it could get to bee seen

by friends of friends and mutual friends would

be E-Mailed, which could cause an increase

on the supposed page views,

having this in mind there are two types of

Facebook boost or rather social media

marketing strategy, one that really works and

the other that just works, what ever one you

use depends solely on how deep your pocket

really is.

I would try my possible best to give a fair

and comprehensible explanation and tutorial

of how i personally use social media as an

exploit to make more money online.

First Method.

Facebook Post Boost

its always common that just after every post

you make on your Fan page you would find

the boost post button by the side.

this method is the highly recommended social

media marketing strategy to use,so as to

attain minimum input at maximum profit,

what i do is.

1. Write an Article Based on Affiliate link


After writing the article straight on my Blog,

i make sure i do a perfect keyword

research , i chose a short killer title and i

write a perfect article startup and end up,

with a neat affiliate links, causing reader to

buy a particular product on a particular

online shop.

2.Boost Post.

Next thing I do is boost the post, during

this stage i make my planing well to make

my spending wise. i would boost the post

with a promise of say 1,200 views , some

times it turns up like this, and some times it


3. I plan my marketing strategy

At this stage i wouldn't want to spend

unwisely, i am running a Blog based on

tech and marketing a specific product say

Smartphone, after clicking on the boost

post button a set up would appear – here is

where proper planing takes place.

The First Column

1. The First column talks about locality and

people to reach, i make sure i reach out to

people where the need is greater, but often

times i found out that most ads ran

including united state as a reach place,

gets rather little few or null turn up –

reasons untold.

The Second Column

3. Next could i choose people who i

probably want to see the product , lets

assume its a product "A" with a frequent

use for "Men" say Shaving Machine or a

Smartphone phone. i would make sure i set

it based on common interest by selecting

male as a means of reach. lest i forget age

grade, age grade it yet another effective

check up you need to check while set up

your post boost, after all 2$ is worth

planing for.

when choosing age grade, make sure you

choose an independent age grade type and

little of dependent, example 10-15 depends

on there parents for stuffs like Smartphone

and gadgets, so picking a more older age

does it all. example 15 – 38 those whom

you think can really afford buying a phone

or paying a bill via online transaction.

The Third Column

3. The Next column is based on interest,

and it tells whom a particular post would

reach, based on interest.

The Forth Column

4. The Next column is my planned budget

which i usually use just $2 for a start,

budgeting one dollar per day, I would stake

my $1 the first day, and I would monitor

the rate of post engagement , to know if I

would stake my $1 the next day.

5. Next i would promote the post.

From my latest promotion here is what i got.

Usually while using this method am never

interested about the total views and the total

reach or likes, usually am interested about

the total clicks, happy enough as seen on the

picture i have close to 118 clicks with a total

adds views of 1,987, happy for me 10 users

clicked and buy, leaving me to 3%

commission on every sales through my Blog,

close to 2 thousand Naira (Nigeria currency) ,

2,000 x 10 = 20,000

20,000 for just $2 come on its really worth it.

well i must confess, some times things don't

turn up good and not bothered and

sometimes it does, some time sales are

period are extended till the next week,

remember not every one clicks to buy,

consider one who clicks the buy link and

checked the price, book marked it or better

still shutdown the browser, lucky you, its

affiliate marketing remember !! – cookies are

open till 90 days.

so i end up with few page likes, few page

recognition and more sales.

The Next of my method is the

Page Likes Method

this method is often not used, and not

recommended, since in promotion of page,

you end up with only 1% total page shares,

but here is a way to make use of this method

the proper way, but mind you, you would

spend a lot.

i admonish you to use the same method of

setup at the first example, based on age, sex

according to what your page is all about, and

interest, also i urge you to run an add based

on a long range duration,


run an add with $2 daily budget for 10 days,

not just for a days, this way you would give

Facebook a chance to pick up the best likes

for you, for those who are really worth liking

your page, but when you do it in a rush , you

end up only with few and irrelevant likes.

That's all i have to share today, stick close

for more update by the ways here's a food of

taught for you just before you leave my


A Famous man once said, " Hav' Got the

Internet , tell me why should i go hungry,

while, i hav got the social medias." –

Think Big.

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