adeyemo■ Says PDP leaders deceiving president with their endorsement

Bishop David Oladunjoye Adeyemo is the Presiding Bishop of Latter Glory Evangelistic Ministry with headquarters in Lagos. In this inter­view with REMI ADEFULU, he declares that President Goodluck Jonathan should forget the idea of running for a second term. Excerpts:
What is your view on the state of the nation?
Recently, Nigeria celebrated its 54 years of independence. The period we are supposed to be free from oppression and domination of imperialism. We thank God for the progress of our nation, though we are not there yet, we shall get there.
Let’s look at our democratic jour­ney, do you think we have made sub­stantial progress?
As far as democracy is concerned, we have made progress as a nation. But the people, who are supposed to keep flag of Nigeria fly­ing, are not there yet. So, we are not getting the dividends of democracy.
Let’s look at Christians in politics, what is your view?
As I have said, whoever says Christians should not involve themselves in politics is missing the point. Or should I say, we have missed it from the inception of democracy in the country. In the Bible which is the scrip­ture, Prov. Chapter 29 verse 2 says when the righteous are on the throne, the people will rejoice, but when the wicked are there, the people mourn.
Really, we are practising democracy, but who are the people ruling us? They are peo­ple who don’t have the fear of God, they are all selfish. They think it is only themselves that have monopoly of wisdom. That is the problem we have in this country, that is why Christians are dissociating themselves from politics, because our politics is corrupt and no true man of God will want to be involved in corrupt practices. And that’s why our democ­racy is being abused by politicians, who are selfish, corrupt and self-centred.
From time immemorial, the church has always played an active role in politics and governance, but given the present situation, can it still do such?
I am not satisfied and that is why my type of bishop is quite different from other bish­ops, I don’t claim to be a saint, I’m not God. God is the creator of everybody. Some men of God have diverted from the scripture of God because they want money, they want power and they have forgotten the anointing of God over them. The anointing of God gives power. Everything has changed from what we are be­ing taught in the scripture. Men of God have changed these days because they want to drive good cars, own jets and have properties across the world. I didn’t say these worldly gains are not good, but as the apostles of God, we have misplaced our priority. And as a result, we have mortgaged our anointing.
How can the church retrace its steps?
As far as I’m concerned, I know for sure and God has told me that in Nigeria, there is going to be political revolution. Without po­litical revolution, there would not be a better change for the coming generation. It’s sad that their time would even be worse than what we are witnessing now, because we show them bad examples. Get there, go and eat your own part of the national cake. And this is like we are setting bad precedent for the young peo­ple. For instance, stories of pastors impreg­nating daughter and mother at a time, pastors found wanting in corrupt practices particularly in the church. But in view of all these, I know for sure that God would always have His way. Any government that’s not ordained by God shall be uprooted. It will fail and give way to crisis, because people will rise up against them.
Sometime ago, the Catholic Church said they were pulling out of CAN, what does this portend for the body of Christ?
CAN is good, that is the stand of us, Pente­costals. But the body is being bastardized. It’s sad because the Bible says we are the light of tyhe world and the salt of the earth. But when the salt loses its value, it’s not good enough for the Christendom. We should embrace peace and be the shining light for Christian faithful across the nation.
If you have the privilege of meeting President Goodluck Jonathan today, what will you be telling him?
I will tell him he should not contest the next election.
Because God said so much blood had been shed in this country. He wouldn’t be the per­son that will save this country. All those that anointed him as their sole candidate are de­ceiving him. Enough is enough, all those that are clamouring for his second term are doing that because of their own personal interest and the truth is that God is not mocked. No matter their pretence, I will advise him not to contest the coming election.
What is your take on the view that the next governor of Lagos State should be a Christian?
I support their view because, as a Christian, I believe a Christian governor will make the desired change and Lagos will be the better for it.
Are you impressed with the Jon­athan administration in the fight against corruption?
I’m not impressed at all. The present ad­ministration under President Jonathan his failed in its bid to fight the scourge that has eaten deep into the fabric of the by expdonaloaded