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Friday 28 November 2014

6+ Reasons your Affiliate Links Won’t Sell

Are you an Affilite marketer, are you looking

for more ways to get that number one user

click into a purchase, am sure you no what

that means for you.

As an Affiliate marketer a sale per day for 1

month is far better than 20 clicks in one day

on PPC ( Pay Per Click ) ads.

Well if your affiliate link ain't selling, it

probably could be one of these factors or


5 Reasons your Affiliate Links Won't Sell

1. You are after the money: Yes you are after

the money!!! Affiliate marketing is far different

from PPC Method of Advertisement cause not

ever click leads to purchase, but just a few

clicks could probably change many things.

If you act like you a goal getter, always after

the money, using all malicious means, plus

incorrect and abusive use of links so as to

get users click your affiliate link.

You probably won't sell if selling is your

primary focus.

Stocking up your blog with various frames,

java scripts, Iframes and Text would

discourage your buyers the more.

2. You didn't Work for it: Yes you didn't work

for it, some how some way this happens

naturally,simply buying a software or plugin

that automatically generates and add affiliate

text does work any longer.

However Placing links your self, and making

sure all affiliate links, banners or text placed

by you, are suppose to be there.

3. You affiliate is irrelevance: Yes irrelevance,

had jumped in most cases where I found out

affiliate marketers placing links, and linking

direct to affiliate marketing homepage, so

users get the cookies opened for 90 days, but

that's probably unthinkable.

Buys would be more discouraged to buy if

they virtually found there had been redirected

from your blog to a shop.

4. They don't know where they are Buying

From: Come to think of it, you bump into a

shop with an unrecognized name and label,

directing you to probably purchase a goods,

certainly that person won't buy.

Same over to affiliate links, adding a "Buy

Now" Text with no reference is apparently no

better way to sell as an affiliate marketer.

After all you ain't the one selling but the one


5. Too many Affiliate Program (am

Confused) : come of it, you would make your

buyer more confused when you actually more

than one seller link on your site, thus basing

on one affiliate link is the best.

6. You don't Keep Potential buyers : having

an E-mail List of old time buyer and giving

them more exclusive offers and deals is a

better way to keep a good name and make

more buyers buy.


The Rate of sales of your affiliate link

depends on hard work and consistency, since

affiliate marketing doesn't start in a day.

However not over doing affiliate links would

help you alot and report shows those are the

potential sellers, does who don't over do with

the affiliate links.

What to do.

Build an Email List to keep potential Buyers

Focus on one affiliate Market

Sell only on one Niche

Use little of images, CSS, JavaScripts, Iframes

when hyper link affiliate links.

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