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Friday 28 November 2014

3 Seo White Hat Techinuques That ReallyWorks

Basically, They are two types of SEO Practice,

The SEO white Hat and the SEO Black Hat,

let's take a tour and let me briefly explain

what these two kinds of SEO Practice means.

The SEO White Hat

This is a rather a lengthy SEO practice, with

the view of SEPR, and More organic search

visit, following the SEO guidelines, given by

the various search engine, so as to ensure

Quality service to those who uses the Search


The SEO Black Hat

The SEO black hat is the rule breaker for

those who breaks the rules.

The SEO black hat has its various Practice

just like the SEO white hat, However this kind

of SEO practice is just for a short while.

Things Changed, Search engine is got

smarter, and the tenor of getting back

links,Guest blogging and sharing of links

through spam comment which made it seem

like a child's play to tweak search engine is


The Rule is always White

White is always Clean

Black is always Dirty and corny.

Let me make an Impression clear

Practicing SEO means hoping for search visit

and search traffics which is highly precious

than that from Social Media and many

others, this is so because search visit from

social media could be bought, but can never

be bought in social Media.

However The black is just for a short period

of time, really short, before search engine

would notice your scheme and give you an

instant ban.

Back to business » 3 SEO White Hat

Techniques That Really Works

Today I am not going to talk about the SEO

black I would leave that for another day.

But here »

3 Seo White Hat Techinuques

That Really Works

1. Links Building

Links Building is the Important aspect of SEO,

its never neglected and had never been


Quality still matters a lot, and can never be


Here are few SEO white hat ways to get

quality back links as recommended by Search


Author Bio :

I recommend you place your site link on

Author Profiles and website fields n social

medias and social book-marking sites you


This process is slow before it gets indexed

but with time its outcome is fascinating.

2. Use Social Media

I am so sure you know building back links

isn't a day job, and at such should be taken

as one, using social media or social

bookmarking site such as,

stumble upcon , digg, is never a promising

house that you going to earn back links and

you going go viral, its a very slow process,

that can be speed up with only patience.

Some times am sure might. Hae seen

Some blogs with links from high social media

such as reddit pinterest and many others,

well they didn't start all in a day, but day

after day, and now they have got it.

Believe me you – "A Link From Social Media

is better than Thousand links from Thousand


3. Content

Content is the King, and your content tells all

about your blog, your content Is the reason

search engine keeps indexing you, proper

placement of content is why you make more


However there are Some few Guilines that

makes your content a bit diffrent from the

crowd and makes you stand out.

Professionalism shows on content located

within pages of a blog.

However just copy pasting some text to some

allready placed field by some plugins isn't

what SEO is all about.

Its all about content.

After all low end Platforms like forums and

the blogger blog, which doesn't have that

option enabled still got a better rank in

Search engine.

Below are Few things to make sure and take

note of while writing your article.

Keyword in < h1 > tag,

Keyword in first paragraph

Keyword in title

Use of Sub headings

< H2 > – < h5 >

Leave white lines (paragraph)

Bold some text.

Hope That was helpful

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