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Saturday 25 October 2014

Okorocha deserves another term

rochas-okorochas-realAny laudable or remarkable feat, cum achievements accomplished by any personality, even my en­emies,
(if, I have any) stands to attract a praise from me, just as mis­deeds are bound to receive blames and condemnation from me and not only me but, anyone on the side of truth, as well. And talking about the truth here let me share this dialogue that ensued between Pontius Pilate and our Lord Jesus-Christ in the cause of His trial by Pilate: Pilate going into the palace, sum­moned Jesus and asked Him “are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus: “is that your own idea or did others talk to you about me, he asked?” Pilate” Am I a Jew? he replied. “It was your people and your Chief Priests who handed you over to me. What is it you have done?’

Jesus: replying, said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews; but now my kingdom is from another place.
“You are a king, then, “said Pilate. Jesus answered,
“You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” what is truth? Pilate asked. (Jn.18:33-38A)
Pilate, due to his desirability to keep his job and curiosity to please his masters, was impatient to probe further to obtain this truth, hence he handed the innocent Lord- JESUS to the Jews to be crucified.
But as the Lord Jesus was raised to life, on the 3rd day as He had foretold, because truth can never be killed, the truth about the self-announcing performance of the incum­bent governor of Imo-State in the person of His Excellency, Owelle Rochas Okorocha will continue to diminish any propaganda and campaign of calumny being mounted and intensified against a goodman and his working-government in Imo state, in Jesus name.
The scripture says, then the word of the Lord came to me, “the hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple, his hands will also complete it, then you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you”(Zachariah 4:8 &9).
What I will urge those who are clamour­ing to take over power from their brother, our brother-Gov. Okorocha, in 2015, even by fire and force, as they are threatening fire and brimstone, is to think twice and submit their ambition to the will of God – Almighty, for He has the final say.
In my earlier write-up, published in the daily sun of 5th September 2014, which was acknowledged and greeted by not less than thirty phone calls and about twenty-five text messages, from men and women from all works of life, including the reli­gious, students, professionals and spread­ing to nooks and crannies of Nigeria, was a true testimony of the good and adventur­ous governance taking place in Imo –State, presently, but had no medium through which to express themselves. One Major Otis, an Abian, who had lived in Owerri, for about five years, in his text message, amongst other observations he made, ad­vised Imolites to massively continue to support Govt. Okorocha and his good gov­ernance and shun those whom he described as Fed.Govt allocation-scramblers whose intention is to take them back to Egypt in 2015, if they ever succeed. And going back to Egypt means, university tuition fees be­ing reversed to N150, 000 per semester as it was before, children of the less-privilege being sent out of school for non-payment of school fees by their poor parents, non-pay­ment of teachers’ salaries up to five to six months accumulated debts, non-payment of civil servants’ salaries and sharing of fed. govt. allocations among themselves, etc.
“If you say I should stop bearing wit­ness to the truth, are you aware that the free education in Imo State University has been extended to none indigenes in the state and acceptance fees removed? Go and find out.
Someone who never believed in what is happening in Imo-State, came to me two days ago and said, “man of God, I was moved to tears this morning when I watched from a TV. Station the Ram-shackled huts called houses occupied by some widows in some parts of Imo State which the wife of the governor of Imo- State, translated to two-bed-room flats each, furnished them and gave cash donations to these widows to start reasonable businesses with, as well as gift of clothing’s . I learnt she has been able to build about one hundred and fifty (150) of these houses, he said. Surely this government is touching lives”, he conclud­ed.
Somebody who claimed to be a journalist called and warned me to stop praising this man asking if am a politician? I told him I am not a politician but a man of God whose responsibility includes praising good works and its source for continuation, as well as challenging those who are failing in their responsibilities to wake-up; because I know that the good old Prophets in the Bible cou­rageously did so. And I also know that the hottest part of hell will be reserved for those who sit on the fence in matters concerning the governance of man (be it in the society, govt., and even in the church) because they were neither for good nor against it. Jesus says “I will spit them out of his mouth be­cause they are lukewarm.”(Rev.3:16)
But, even, if spiritual blindness has de­nied these enemies of progress the percep­tion -ability to acknowledge that which is visible, even to the blind-himself, can’t they still feel and touch it with their bare-hands- of –truth and sincerity, if only they can allow the spirit of truth to lead them?
If I were the president of Nigeria, I, would have flooded Imo State with federal government projects as a compensation to reciprocate their gesture for being the high­est votes donors to Mr. President in 2011 that gave him victory in the Presidential Election.
Does Imo deserve a Junior Minister? Imolites are waiting. And to Imolites (our sons and daughters) serving in Abuja ei­ther as minister, legislators or even as ap­pointees, rather than fight your home govt. which is performing, because of party dis­crimination, it is high time you join your acts together and push for federal presence in Imo –State, in the area of amenities and infrastructural development .United, we stand, but divided, we fall. I do not want us to fall.
If the sin of governor Okorocha was that he decamped from APGA to APC ,as I have carefully investigated and found it to be so, doesn’t the constitution of Nige­ria permit him or anyone else to do so?. And, are others doing the same, even from APGA or A.P.C to P.D.P?
Our worry should have been, if he is not performing and not the party he belongs to.
So, to our amiable governor, I will say be focused and continue to look unto God- Almighty who made you what you are, for His award and reward is far far higher than awards given by man. God is always meritorious, justifiable and durable, unlike man’s discriminatory, biased and unmer­ited awards.
We have not relented in our intercessions, for we know that the prayer of the righteous availeth much and the will of the LORD of HOST will continue to prevail in Imo State both now and forevermore, Amen.

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