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Friday 31 October 2014

Letter to a hit-and-run driver. RIP JosephAidanemhen

A letter written to a hit-and-run driver by the
brother of late Joseph Aidanemhen. So sad!
Read below
I thought I should take a moment to let you
know a little about the 'rising star' you
brought to an abrupt end on Monday 27th
October, 2014 at 1T4 junction, Ihumundumu
road, Ekpoma. His names were Joseph
Ighodalo Aidanemhen. He only just turned 20
earlier this year, and also just got admitted
to study English at Ambrose Alli University
weeks ago. He was the pride of everyone in
my family, as he was the last-born thereof.
Joseph was an intelligent, ambitious,
confident and loving brother, who doubles as
a son.
A week or two ago when he got that
admission, we (including himself) were all
excited and were doing everything possible to
give him a solid start, but today, it is a
different and opposite feeling altogether for
everyone of us. He leaves behind an aged
father, mother and the rest of us, whom are
struggling to come to terms with his
shocking demise. Do you know it was
actually his first day at school to perform his
clearance that you gave him the clearance of
his life? Yea, it was. By the way, I learnt you
were a woman. So, I want to ask; Do you
have a child(ren) you labored to bring to life
or plan having one? Do you have a loved one
that you are ready to go to any lenght for?
Do you feel fulfilled knocking him down and
running away, leaving him to grow cold? I am
not sure if the answers to these questions
will come to me directly, but I am certain
they will come to the Almighty Judge of All,
The GOD of hosts!
A soul in Pain"

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